Just a tribute...
My girlfriend Sanne has been sick with the flu for a couple of days now. She suggested to commemmorate this in a song. Sure thing.
A dutch song, about a creature invented by Sanne and co-blogger Patrick.
I always record my songs with the cheapest kind of mics. One friend of mine said I was not serious enough about music and should have bought a mic costing ten times these ones cost me. What the heck.
Sanne again suggested a song, this time about two chickens sitting between the flowers. As there is some big crisis going on, there is an ominous line included...
It's not going too well in my line of work, and it's not going too well with the university I'm working in. So I guess I had to sing it off in this anti-PC song. (mind you, all these songs wouldn't exist if it weren't for them, so it really is not fair).
Babbling along about the strange location of easter on the calendar each year. Please skip this one.
A song about how quiet it is in our study. You wouldn't find any leopards and coconut-trees here, honest.
This one is about a trip I made to France a few years ago. I got so sick drinking wine and beer and eating weird looking french fries that I drove straight home the next day, missing out on a trip to Spain and possibly Morocco.